Digital Transformation
The Digital Transformation

Beware of the term "Digital" in "Digital Transformation"
First of all, it should be said that a digital transformation does not start with the technological area.
The starting point of all TD is the company’s processes. And with them, its definition, creation and reconstruction. Only from there, is when the processes can be transformed with the use of technology. In no case should we consider the way backwards, because this is not going to start the house through the roof.
A company can perfectly reinvent itself by incorporating technology in each and every one of its most complex processes without having to go through the mandatory use of Big Data or the Internet of Things.
Get a successful Digital Transformation
There are lots of examples of very big, known and successful companies, that have attempted to go through a Digital Transformation, but that have failed.
The analysis of these failures give us really important lessons, that should be taken into account for those that would now like to embark on a Digital Transformation journey.
Top Down Governance
It's not enough to have a strategy for that magnitude of endeavor! What is also needed to succeed is a good top down governance, to make sure nothing will have the possibility to stand in the way, down the road.
Remember the lessons learned and avoid independent silos. Instead, make sure everyone is aligned. Having a good Digital Transformation PMO can help focus on the target, while avoiding silos.
Focus on the word "transformation" rather than the word "digital", to keep the customers' satisfaction and experience into perspective. The digital part is only a tool, not the final destination. The customer, is.
Misconception about
Digital Transformation
Investing a lot of money in information technology does not mean that a digital transformation will occur. For that to happen, the whole business, organization or institution needs to be reinvented, from the ground up, to only
then, fully benefit from the use of technology.
Doing it the other way around, focusing only on IT, would certainly bring improvements, but it would not be enough to be considered a True Digital Transformation!
Fases de una Transformación Digital
Digital transformation requires a comprehensive work program that needs to be defined and identified from the start.
We can talk about 3 main phases.
Phase 1: Strategy
In the first stage, we must create the global strategy that provides us with the complete vision. At this stage, overall risks will be measured.
If the company has many parallel or interrelated processes, it will be necessary to strategically prioritize where we want to act first. This means having to ask ourselves questions such as: What processes does my company need to transform as a priority, using technology, to guarantee real improvement?
Knowing how to identify priorities is of utmost importance. Obviously, you cannot attack all fronts at once. The “strategy”, the “road map” and the “sequence” are essential in this phase.
Also during this stage, it must be possible to identify the risks that correspond to each of the identified steps.
Phase 2: Study
After phase 1, (processes and prioritization) we enter the implementation phase.
Here we “imagine” the new technological tools for the previously identified processes (phase 1). Apart from the expert’s work to identify the most appropriate technology to transform the process, it is vitally important that all progress is shared with users. There are no imperatives but transparency and communication.
Phase 3: Execution
Here, as we may have several parallel projects, it would be advisable to have a good PMO for execution, which can have a global vision of all projects, in addition to facilitating the correct application of governance, for the entire company, from top to bottom and also crosswise, to avoid, above all, the isolated “silos” in their corners.
Thus, the PMO can guarantee harmony and synergy between the different parts of the organization.
It is also necessary to identify which are the interested parties and to know what are the risks that could appear along the way, in order to already be clear about what the correct measures could be to mitigate them. It is better to foresee this eventuality now, proactively, than to leave it for later.
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