About ConsulCat

We are an IT consultancy specialized in Digital Transformation projects, with extensive international experience
in management, presales and a very close relationship with the client

The soul of ConsulCat

Welcome to the ConsulCat website

My name is Sylvain,

I am a decisive person, with great analytical sense and ability to solve problems, with a predisposition to make the extra effort that will make a difference. Currently studying an online degree of “Expert in Digital Transformation” at LaSalle University in Barcelona.

Results-oriented professional with global experience in team, project and operations management in multifunctional environments and private, hybrid and public Cloud (Azure & AWS).

I am a native of the province of Quebec, in Canada, where the official languages are English and French. I also speak Spanish and Catalan, since I have been living in Barcelona since 2004.

I hope that this website can help you resolve doubts, as well as guide you about the consulting services provided.

Thank you,
Sylvain Beauchemin

The trigger that fueled the birth of ConsulCat

For several years I had in mind to create a website like the one that is now ConsulCat. But the routine and professional & personal obligations forced me to postpone the start of this project. But March 2020 arrived, and in the middle of the Coronavirus crisis everything changed.

I am the father of a school age girl. When the confinement began to lengthen and the school considered the start of online classes, I experienced a stage of absolute helplessness and a lot of frustration at the level of difficulties that your school had to start online classes in mid-April 2020.

When we are used to serving as a consultant for years, it is, to our great regret, frustrating to see how little you can do for students and teachers to finish the academic year. And it is that the educational system, especially in the elementary school, was not at all prepared to take this 360º turn.

This, for me, was the most important trigger that pushed me to, (i) help my daughter’s school, (ii) conclude that the time had come to give content and meaning to the ConsulCat website.

That is why this website feels a special sensitivity for the digital transformation of the educational system.

Sylvain Beauchemin IT Consultant

My Approach

Do not stay in your comfort zone. Go out and discover new areas, unknown until now, that will help add new strings to your bow.

Having this explorer attitude has allowed me new learning and to experiment in areas that had absolutely nothing to do with each other.

I am proud to say that over the years, I have been successful as an IT consultant, project manager, IT director, trainer, as well as pre-sales salesperson in the EMEA region.

Today is the time to consolidate and capitalize on those experiences by merging the different stages of the journey. ConsulCat is the result of all this.

The Million dollar question

Is it allowed to master more than one discipline?


Below, I describe the areas of experience accumulated over the years:

Digital Transformation

I feel fortunate to have been able to experience and feel the evolution that information technology has undergone since the birth of the first PC that IBM launched in 1981. It was very successful with its open architecture.

I describe below my journey through the different great eras of IT:

1. Open Systems
2. Virtualization
3. Cloud

Open Systems Era
My first knowledge began to grow at the same rate as the IBM DOS operating system did during the 80s, until Microsoft Windows took over with its version 3.1, in 1992. This was a year before I finished my studies as an analyst programmer , in the year 1993.

It was the time when practically every company had its own server room. That is, where to host your company servers (file servers, email servers, domain servers, databases, etc).

I started working in 1994, a year before the arrival of revolutionary Windows 1995 and the Windows NT 4.0 version, for companies. In 1998, I passed the Microsoft MCSE certification, which still serves me today, since despite the advances since that time, there are bases that have followed the same since then, such as DNS, DHCP, TCP / IP , routes, domains, scripts, SQL, etc.

In 2001, I came from Canada to Europe, the same year that the famous Windows XP and Windows 2000 landed, with its revolutionary Active Directory, which we still use today.

Virtualization Era
In 2002 I had the opportunity to have my first contact with the new technology of VMware ESX, which marked a before and after in the evolution of IT. I remember perfectly when I mounted my first virtual Windows 2000 server, on a VMware ESX hypervisor, at the Bank of France headquarters in Paris.

A few years later, Microsoft also entered the world of virtualization with its Hyper-V technology. I have been working with both technologies ever since. Today, server installations on servers in CPDs are virtually all virtualized, mostly with VMware or Hyper-V technologies.

Cloud era
Although the strongest cloud boom has begun to be noticed after 2010 for most people, during the 2000s companies like IBM, Google, Apple, Amazon and Sales Force were already focusing their businesses on the use of the Cloud. For my part, I started working with Google's G-Suite family of products shortly after their launch in 2008.

In 2012 I had my first contacts in private Cloud projects in banking environments and in 2016 I started to work more closely with the AWS and Azure solutions of the giants Amazon and Microsoft, specifically for scenarios of backup, disaster recovery, replication and business continuity, supported by hybrid solutions with public Cloud.


Through the 15 years of experience that I accumulated in different banks, I got used to the high levels of demands of the production environments, to the level of SLAs and continuous operations, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Although my roles never mentioned “operations” they were actually always present.

I was a technical expert in a major bank in Europe, where I was responsible for data protection through backups with the Commvault product, for an environment composed of more than 3,000 servers of all types (physical vs. virtual, Windows vs. Unix vs. Linux, with Oracle vs SQL DB, PostGRE, MySQL, in DMZ, in remote offices, etc).


During my professional career, I have directly managed local and remote teams of 20 people.

I have also had the opportunity to indirectly manage up to 200 monitoring and technical support agents, divided into 6 teams, along with their 6 corresponding team leaders.

Business development

I have had the opportunity to develop business on more than one occasion, such as the opening of new markets in Poland and England as well as the start of my own company, being a dirty founder, with a 20% stake in the company.


As a Presales consultant covering the EMEA region for an American company, I achieved the best conversion rates for the presale team at the European headquarters in Barcelona.

I designed tailored disaster recovery, security, and data protection solutions for on-premises and cloud scenarios (Arcserve private cloud, or AWS / Azure public).

I persuaded IT managers and business managers with compelling demos and successful POCs.

I standardized the contents of the webinars into French and Spanish, based on the originals from the United States.

Project Management

During my career of more than 15 years in banking environments and in other sectors, I have managed various types of projects, from Waterfall to Agile.

Examples of projects:

- Replacement of Oracle physical libraries (StorageTek) with T10k-C tape readers by IBM library and readers
- Replacement of old Windows and Linux file servers with new NAS NetApp cabinets configured with replications in Metro-Clusters, between 2 sites.
- Dental office and clinic reforms.
- Etc.


Quality is a fundamental element that has always ranked first on the scale of my personal and professional values.

By nature, I always look to improve quality levels.

The concern for quality has earned me many awards over the years.

Training & Coaching

I traveled to various EMEA countries (UK, France, Germany, Belgium, Israel, etc.) to form Strategic Partners.

I did coaching sessions for EMEA and APAC employees on “how to approach clients, in certain situations”, to understand the client's needs quickly and to advise them on the most appropriate solution.

With passion,
There is not limit !



International MBA

EADA Business School, Barcelona, Spain

Analyst Programmer

Delta College, Montreal, Canada


Sylvain Beauchemin Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals Badge

Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals

2019 - Microsoft

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

2019 - Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Certificación Sylvain Beauchemin Commvault Simpana Core Certification

Commvault Simpana Core Certification

2014 - Commvault

ITIL - Information Technology Infrastructure Library

2007 - APMG International

MCSE - Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer

1998 - Microsoft

Certified Novell Engineer

1996 - Novell


Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals Core Infrastructure

Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure

2019 - Coursera Course Certificates

Ansible Essentials: Simplicity in Automation

2019 - Udemy

Learning Terraform on Microsoft Azure

2019 - Udemy

Microsoft AZ-301 Certification: Azure Architect Design

2019 - Udemy

Microsoft AZ-300 Certification: Azure Architect Technologies

2019 - Udemy


Commercial prospecting
Account management
Customer Orientation


360 profile
Strategic vision
Out-of-the-box vision
Coaching & Mentoring


Physical & BMR
Vmware & Hyper-V
Azure, AWS & 365
OnPrem to Cloud Migration
Best practices Security
Change Management
IT Governance

